Saturday, June 14, 2014

Fluffernutter Frosting

In case you don't know, fluffernutter = marshmallow fluff + peanut butter.  I had to explain this to one of my younger brothers the other day, and I kind of felt like a failure as a big sister because he had never heard of a fluffernutter sandwich!  

I offered to make cupcakes for my sister's birthday party, and she requested "something with peanut butter and chocolate".  I had made a chocolate peanut butter cupcake before, but it was very dense and rich, so I wanted to try making something lighter.  (Not a "diet" version or anything...just lighter.)  I thought of using marshmallow fluff to lighten up the frosting, and after a little bit of searching I came across this recipe.   I paired it with Devil's Food Cake cupcakes from a box mix, but replaced the oil with melted butter and the water with milk.  You can use your favorite chocolate cake recipe.

Fluffernutter Frosting
Frosts ~16 cupcakes, piped

  •  1/2 C creamy peanut butter (the cheap kind with all that added sugar and stuff works best for things like this)
  • 1/2 C marshmallow fluff
  • 1/3 C butter, softened
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • ~1 C confectioner's sugar (might be able to cut this down a little)
  • 1-2 T milk

  1. Combine marshmallow fluff, peanut butter, butter, salt, and vanilla in mixer on low speed.
  2. Add confectioner's sugar, beat until blended, and add enough milk to reach desired consistency.
I used the whisk attachment on my mixer to help get the frosting nice and fluffy.  I put the frosting in a piping bag and used a large star tip to decorate the cupcakes.  I didn't have quite enough to frost all the cupcakes I made when I piped on the frosting, so next time I would probably make 1.5x this recipe amount.  
Cupcakes on the cupcake tree that my sister gave me for Christmas

The Verdict
Awesome!  Light and fluffy, sweet, but not too rich.  (The flavor kind of reminded me of Reece's Pieces.)  The cupcakes were a hit at the party, and went like...well, cupcakes!  Will keep this one to use again!

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