Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Biscuits for Two

Ok, so the title is a bit misleading. I didn't make biscuits for two...I made biscuits for me. I decided to take the day off on Friday, so I slept in, and then thought about making a nice brunch. Biscuits sounded good...Really good. Ohhh, man... now I was craving some nice buttery homemade biscuits. But I didn't want to make a whole big batch that wouldn't all get eaten. Pinterest to the rescue! A quick search for "biscuits for two" (thinking this would also be handy in the future for me and the hubby) led me to this recipe: http://www.branappetit.com/2012/07/11/lazy-biscuits-for-two/  Looks good... and easy... and I have all the ingredients... score! 

It only took a few minutes to get them into the oven, and while they baked I whipped up some scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese.  I was so excited about my delicious brunch, that I forgot to take a picture for the blog until I had already started eating.  

They were delicious for something so easy!  I did forget that I was using a dark pan, so I didn't adjust the temperature and the bottoms came out a little burnt.  I also put a dab of margarine on top to melt over the biscuits as soon as they came out of the oven.

Here is the recipe, from Bran Appetit:

Round 2:

These were so good, I decided to make them again on Sunday morning!  This time, I remembered to use a lighter pan so the bottoms wouldn't burn.

By the way, whenever a recipe calls for buttermilk, I like to use buttermilk powder to mix my own.  I keep this can in the fridge, and use it as needed...no need to buy a whole jug of buttermilk that will just go to waste!

The first time I make the recipe, I didn't need all of the buttermilk.  So this time I added 1T buttermilk powder (makes 1/4C buttermilk) to the dry mix, and then added 1/4C milk later.  This time, for some reason, it needed the whole 3/4C of liquid.  However, I still had flour leftover in the bowl I used to coat the biscuits at the end, even after using it to make 2 batches.  So the amount of flour used for coating can be cut back.

Not burnt biscuits!  Unfortunately, this time they were a bit undercooked in the middle.  Perhaps a little longer in the oven would have helped, but they are kind of large biscuits, so maybe they need to be made smaller or flattened slightly to thoroughly cook in the middle.  I also dabbed a little margarine on top a few times near the end of the baking time.  Despite being slightly undercooked, they were still yummy! 

Perhaps it takes time and practice to be able to make the perfect biscuit, but as a novice biscuit-maker, these came out pretty darn good!  I will definitely be keeping this recipe for future use.  :-)

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